XVI. The J.E.A. Crake Arts Awards

The Crake Foundation, established by the late J.E.A. Crake, Josiah Wood Professor of Classics and Head of the Classics Department at Mount Allison from 1946 to 1976, offers Arts Awards which are intended to encourage students to undertake projects in drama, fine arts, music and creative writing. The Award holders will work with artist-scholars and arts technicians to gain experience, learn techniques and develop their creative skills.

Terms and conditions

  1. The awards are open to all full-time students who are in good standing. (“Full-time” means that students are registered in at least three courses per term.)
  2. Students will work closely with faculty and/or staff mentors from the following: Fine Arts, Drama, Music and Literature Departments (English, French, German, Spanish).
  3. The Awards are not to be used to replace current employment opportunities for students, or for faculty research assistants.
  4. The Awards are granted according to creative and artistic merit, without regard to any costs associated with the project.
  5. Projects are initiated by students but require the support of a faculty or staff mentor.
  6. Students are permitted to hold Awards for projects being completed for academic credit.
  7. Arts Awards are intended for individuals. Selection is based on the artistic merit of the project and the opportunity it provides for the development of artistic skills. The funding is not intended to provide financial support for a project undertaken by a member of faculty or another student.
  8. The projects usually involve three hours per week, from November 1 until the project is complete in early April.
  9. Projects must be completed and final reports submitted to mentors by April 10 of the academic year in which the awards are made.
  10. The Awards program will be administered by a committee representing Drama, Fine Arts, Music, Creative Writing, plus a faculty member at large, and one or more students. The Committee will keep a record of meetings and serve as a selection committee. The Chair will be responsible for activities outlined in Procedures below.


  1. The Chair of the Arts Awards Committee will be appointed from the Development Office and, in early September, will confirm the membership of the committee as outlined in #10 above.
  2. The Chair of the Crake Arts Awards Committee arranges the advertisements for the program and schedules meeting(s) at which the Committee evaluates proposals. The Chair will inform Financial Services, and successful applicants so that projects can begin by November 1. Notification to students will include links to this policy, to Dr. Crake’s biography [jeacrakefoundation.org/jea-crake-bio], and to a copy of the final report form.
  3. Funds will be awarded in the following manner: One half of the award will be given at the beginning of the project. The second and final deposit will be made when the project is completed, and the report submitted. (See #4 & #5, below.)
  4. The Award holder will provide the mentor with a copy of the final report, which will be sent to the Chair of the Committee by April 10.
  5. The second (final) deposit will be made when Financial Services receives notification from the Chair of the Committee that a copy of the intern’s final report has been received from the mentor. The deadline is April 15.
  6. The Chair of the Committee will prepare a report consisting of a brief account of the Committee’s activities for the current year, the names of the members of the committee, the number of applicants, copies of successful applications, the final report of each Award holder, and the names of the committee members for the following year.
  7. The Development Office will provide the Foundation with the following information by May 20:
    1. The report described in number 6 (above).
    2. A statement from the Controller verifying that the funds in the account were spent in accordance with the terms and conditions, and indicating the status of the account as of May 1.
  8. The Foundation will inform the University by June 30 of the level of support to be provided for the J.E.A. Crake Arts Awards for the academic year beginning July 1.

Three Awards.

The value of each Award is $1000.

[September 2024]