The Crake Foundation, established by the late J.E.A. Crake, Josiah Wood Professor of Classics and Head of the Classics Department from 1946 to 1976, offers Fellowships to enable Mount Allison students to engage in creative and/or research projects in the Humanities during the May–August period.
Terms and conditions
- The Fellowships will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Research and Creative Activity following established policies and procedures for such fellowships.
- Students must be registered in a degree program (BMus, BFA, B.A. Honours/Major/General (triple Minor) in departments and programs in the Faculty of Arts, listed at
- The project must have a humanities focus and a member of the Faculty of Arts as supervising faculty.
- Other terms and conditions for the Fellowships will be consistent with those set by the Senate Committee on Research and Creative Activity for such awards.
- Each fellowship holder will be supplied with a copy of the biographical information available at
- The Fellows are required to acknowledge the J.E.A. Crake Foundation in any publications or other works (including art works, musical compositions, plays, conference presentations, lectures etc.) arising from the award received. In addition the Foundation would appreciate being informed a week in advance of any public presentation/performance resulting from the award.
- The Development Office will, by May 20, provide the Foundation with the following information which has been received from the Dean of Arts and the Controller, for each Fellow:
With regard to projects completed the previous summer
- The name of the student, with a statement from the Financial Aid office of the degree program (including major area of study).
- A brief outline of project
- The name of supervising faculty
- A one-page summary by each Fellowship holder of work undertaken with the aid of the grant. The report should include information concerning how to gain access to the outcome of the grant.
- A statement from the Controller verifying that the funds in this account were spent in accordance with the terms and conditions stated, and the status of the account as of May 1.
With regard to the awards made for the current year:
- The names of the Crake Student Fellows for the current summer term.
- The Foundation will inform the University by January 2 of the amount of funding that will be provided for the J.E.A. Crake Student Fellowships for Creative and/or Research projects for the period beginning May 1.
Value of the grant for five student fellowships, 2023: $40,000.
[August, 2023]