The Crake Foundation, established by J.E.A. Crake, Josiah Wood Professor of Classics and Head of the Classics Department at Mount Allison from 1946 to 1976, offers a grant to support the cost of workshops/travel to theatre performances, arranged to enhance the educational experience of students involved in the work of the Drama program and the Motyer-Fancy Theatre
Terms and conditions
- The Workshop and Travel fund will be administered by the Director of Drama with the advice of the Drama Group.
- The fund is intended to enrich opportunities for students involved in theatre by inviting to campus theatre practitioners who will give workshops in their area of expertise.
- The fund may be expended on honoraria, travel, per diem expenses and incidental costs associated with theatre workshops, and up to $500 of the fund may be used each year for group student travel to performances.
- Those invited to do workshops will be supplied with a copy of the biographical information available at
- The J.E.A. Crake Foundation must be acknowledged in any publications or other works (including art works, musical compositions plays, conference presentations, lectures etc.) arising from the award received. In addition the Foundation would appreciate being informed a week in advance of any public presentation/performance resulting from the award.
- The account for this program may carry forward a balance equal to 15% of the value of the grant. Any funds in excess of that amount will be incorporated into the standard funding for the following year.
- The Development Office will, by May 20, provide the Foundation with the following information from the Director of Drama and the Controller:
- A report from the Director of Drama on the workshops and group travel for the year ending June 30.
- Verification from the Controller that the fund provided for this program was expended in accordance with the stated terms and conditions and the status of the account as of May 1.
- The Foundation will inform the University by June 30 of the amount of funding that will be provided for the J.E.A. Crake Theatre Workshop and Travel Fund for the academic year beginning July 1.
Grant for the Workshop and Travel Fund: $3,000.
[August, 2023]