The Crake Foundation, established by the late J.E.A. Crake, Josiah Wood Professor of Classics and Head of the Classics Department from 1946 to 1976, offers scholarships to be awarded to third and fourth year students in the Humanities at Mount Allison University. It is the intention of the Foundation to provide renewable scholarships for deserving students in the upper years (third and fourth years) who have reached scholarship standing.
Terms and conditions
- The J.E.A. Crake Scholarship, which may be held for a maximum of two years, will be administered by the Financial Aid and Awards Counsellor following the policies established by the Senate Scholarships and Bursaries Committee.
- The students must have a minimum of 3.5 GPA and are required to register for a full course load (30 credits) over the fall and winter terms every year during which they hold the scholarship. The one exception is a student in year 4 who may reduce his/her load to a minimum of 24 credits over the fall and winter terms (assuming they will have sufficient credits for graduation).
- Students must be registered in a degree program (BMus, BFA, BA Honours/Major/General (triple Minor) in departments and programs in the Faculty of Arts, listed at
- In the case of the General degree, at least two of the minors must be in the Faculty of Arts.
- Renewal of the Scholarship will be contingent upon maintaining a 3.5 GPA. If the student’s standing falls below the accepted level, renewal will depend on the recommendation of the appropriate officer or committee, consistent with University policies and procedures.
- The Crake Scholarship can be held in addition to other awards or scholarships to which the student may be entitled by virtue of high academic standing or financial need.
- Each student who holds this scholarship for the first time will be provided with a copy of these terms and conditions as well as a copy of the biographical information available at
- The Scholarships will be awarded in a manner consistent with University policies and procedures.
- Scholarship holders who do not meet the terms and conditions of the scholarship may have the scholarship renewed at the discretion of the Financial Aid and Awards Counsellor.
- The Development Office will, by May 20, provide the Foundation with the following information on each student who held the scholarship in the academic year just completed and from the Controller on the fund:
- One sample copy of the letter sent to Scholarship holders each year.
- A statement of each student’s degree program including major area of study, and confirmation that the student has met the requirements for renewal of the scholarship.
- A letter of justification for renewals for students who did not meet the terms and conditions of the Scholarship. An example would be a student who took Mt. A. courses which are only offered in the spring/summer such as the classical archeology courses for archeological work in Italy or Greece.
- A statement from the Controller verifying that the funds in this account have been spent in accordance with the stated terms and conditions, and the status of the account as of May 1.
- The Foundation will inform the University by June 30 of the total number of J.E.A. Crake Scholarships it will fund in the academic year beginning July 1.
The value of each J.E.A. Crake Scholarship, 2024–25: $3,000. Total possible funding for I. Scholarships and II. MacMillan Awards per year: $90,000.
[September 2024]